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Old 06-10-2010, 09:07 PM   #54
Chris Li
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Dojo: Aikido Sangenkai
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii
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Re: YouTube: Ki in Aikido? (Y. Takeda sensei demo)

Raul Rodrigo wrote: View Post
Yes, Chris, one of them was apparently shot in Takeda's own dojo in Kamakura, an embu to mark some anniversary, with Doshu in attendance. So that was a more private occasion than a Zen Nihon, but still, with the founder's grandson and "keeper of the way" present, does Takeda do the demo without wondering how a Doshu might react? Or is the audience's reaction not part of the equation at all and I am missing something important?

After Watanabe did the no-touch throw in class, were the students then expected to get up and try it themselves? Or was it purely for demonstration purposes?


I don't recall even actually doing those things - it was just demonstration with a few carefully chosen uke. Watanabe's demonstrations at the Zen Nihon inevitably draw laughter out of the audience, but he never seemed to mind.



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