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Old 05-18-2010, 10:45 AM   #14
Budd's Avatar
Dojo: Taikyoku Budo & Kiko - NY, PA, MD
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Join Date: Aug 2003
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Re: So I started the solo exercises...

Dan, that makes a lot of sense and seems like the logical "next step" of what to work for after you have spent time conditioning the basics, etc. Hoping to have more to say on that in the near future. Still just doing the conditioning work, right now.

If I remember right, you have also commented how you needed to spend time "failing" in competition settings (against grapplers, etc.) until you'd moved past the trying-to-win-with-old-instincts phase. Was that to give your body a chance to adapt the new methods of "carrying itself" to that more-at-speed paradigm?
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