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Old 04-21-2010, 01:48 PM   #15
ninjaqutie's Avatar
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Re: Favorite Partners

Amir Krause wrote: View Post
Depends on the specific practice and my own mood.

As a rather experienced practitioner, there are only few people who can pose a challenge to me (and only if we get to practice on the same day).
I dislike practicing with bad Uke of the type in which I find myself "stuck" with someone without the ability or experience to realize my reasons for deciding a certain throw was "worth-less" and he should not have taken a fall.
I don't always have mood to play with newbie youngsters who try to interfere to each technique, going way outside the situation dictated by the Kata. Yes, sometimes I feel like just training as Sensei has asked, and not playing around it.

When practicing a paired weapons Kata, I prefer to practice with someone whose knowledge of the Kata at least approximates mine, so I will not have to remind him of the next move all the time, and we could both improve and learn the Kata instead.

Wow.... that is all I have to say about that. Glad you aren't in my dojo. I don't think you would fit in with that attitude. Also, I don't believe that all "newbie youngsters" interfere with each technique and go outside the kata demonstrated. If they do, it could be lack of understanding instead of an attempt to challenge your "experience".

Maybe I am just reading way too much into what you wrote, but perhaps you need to check your ego and gain a bit more humility and realize that you too were once in their position. If I misinterpreted what you wrote, then I apologize for the error.

~Look into the eyes of your opponent & steal his spirit.
~To be a good martial artist is to be good thief; if you want my knowledge, you must take it from me.
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