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Old 04-19-2010, 01:55 AM   #340
Location: Rotterdam
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 459
Re: Video definitions, "Aiki" and other terms.

Chris Hein wrote: View Post
So Mike you think Alignment and structure (as I call it) is "Aiki"? That is, as long as someone is pushing on you, and you physically root that into the ground, it's "Aiki". Is that what you are saying? Before you were talking about blending, which is a much better description of "Aiki" as far as I understand it. Now you are talking about rooting again.
Mike Sigman wrote: View Post
Technically you can call just grounding a push as "aiki" because you are essentially blending your intent-derived force with uke's.
Here's one way of putting it.
When you ground a push, you blend your force with the pusher's force so that they add up to zero. (Think vectors here.) When you 'aiki' a push, you blend your force with the pusher's force so that they add up to more than zero. How much above zero you need the sum to be, depends on what you want to do and where you're aiming the resultant vector at.
And that's why you can say that grounding is the most simple example of aiki. However, to be honest, I think that's clarifying some aspects at the expense of others, but YMMV.

p.s.: The above is also the reason that 'alignment' and 'structure' may be misleading terms. You can chance from grounding a push to 'aiki-ing' a push without overt movement. (It's all done internally! ) One's definitions of 'alignment' and 'structure' may allow for that or not.
p.p.s.: I realize that I'm saying that aiki = blending, but am not using the words as synonyms in the above post. Couldn't think of a better word.

Last edited by jss : 04-19-2010 at 01:59 AM.