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Old 04-16-2010, 12:26 AM   #247
Location: Germany
Join Date: Nov 2000
Posts: 219
Re: Video definitions, "Aiki" and other terms.

Chris Hein wrote: View Post
For someone like myself, who lives on the opposite side of the country, we cannot see your demonstrations at the local gyms, and seminars. For someone like myself, your claims are simply claims.
You forget that some very credible people in aikido get out of their way to recommend experiencing what Dan, Mike and some others demonstrate. Hell, Ellis Amdur actually wrote a book where he basically confessed that after decades of budo study those essential things had escaped him ! George Ledyard met those guys and was convinced. In France, Leo Tamaki invites Minoru Akuzawa regularly and studies under Kuroda sensei. Even if it's not entirely conclusive, it should still account for something.

You could make a video of one of your many encounters with the local strong men, then we could see what you are doing.
We already know the reactions : "they are tanking for him, they are his friends, too much collusion, I'm not impressed", etc. I don't know anything about Dan Harden's real abilities, but I understand his stance : he doesn't owe anyone anything, he doesn't want this stuff to force him to do something he doesn't want to. It's also a good way of selecting students. If some people are motivated enough to come and see him AND THEN work out by themselves to develop those skills, then he will put up the effort and train with them.

I do know of some gentlemen from who live on your side of the country. They would like to meet you. Why not let them come by and you can show them your abilities? It is easy for you to throw trained fighters around. You can kick and punch them, and they can do nothing to stop you. Why not let some of these fellows come visit. Even if you won't allow them to make video, we could hear their, as unbiased judges, opinions.
Are you talking about the same Bullshido site that I know ? Anyway, Rob John posted in that site, invited people in Tokyo, and one of them went. He returned convinced, not only that Akuzawa's method was powerful but also that it was completely unusual.

I hope to be meeting with Mike Sigman in August. If he can do anything that I am unfamiliar with, be assured I will let everyone know. I really don't feel the need for anymore power. However I am interested in the use of the human body, and a new (to me) way to use it is very interesting.
Mike Sigman is a precise and generous instructor, very open to questions. I'm confident that if you go and do what he says, you'll have your foot in the door. The only frustrating thing with his seminar is that you realise how much personal work you have to put on before what he demonstrates works for you.