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Old 04-15-2010, 02:51 PM   #232
Keith Larman
Dojo: AIA, Los Angeles, CA
Location: California
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 1,604
Re: Video definitions, "Aiki" and other terms.

Ah, heck, it doesn't always matter even when you're standing right there. I chuckle when a sensei of mine will have someone kinda locked up and he'll say "now I have him, now I don't. Did you see the difference?" Huh? No. No I didn't... The uke, on the other hand, is usually nodding enthusiastically.

That's something I've seen Toby Threadgill do a few times at his seminars. "Now I have him, now I don't, now I have him..." Huh? What? So I invariably offer up my arm ("Mongo need feel"). Okay, yup, I feel it.

Videos often show clues. Video often shows when someone *doesn't* have it. But sometimes the outside looks good but the inside ain't there. So...

Go train with someone who has it. Then decide. Which reminds me -- I need to send a check for an upcoming seminar. Mongo need feel some more...