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Old 03-10-2010, 10:21 PM   #13
Dojo: Aikido Kenkyu Kai, AIS, Belconnen
Location: Canberra, ACT
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 13
Re: A question for tha aiki ladies :O) - how do you wear your hair?

I'm growing my hair out too for my wedding (April 10, so not long now!) and there has been lots of variations on pony tails in the process. I find a high pony works for me, while one of our shodan girls wears hers in a loose low pony tail which would drive me nuts as it flies about and sticks to her face. So it looks like it's up to what you can deal with during training. I got a fringe (bangs I think you guys call it!) cut in and it got really annoying at one point. Those metal 'one touch' or snap clips that little girls wear are good to deal with shorter bits though!

I've also done the half pony high up caught into a full pony at the nape. This was pretty secure, but then my hair is only just past my shoulders *pout*

Go gentle

Anidan )O(
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