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Old 02-10-2010, 04:39 PM   #123
Location: Anchorage Alaska
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 1
Re: My Experiences in Cross Training MMA with Aikido

I have to agree with you, and by the way, wonderful post.

Let me say first of all, that my Aikido training is limited I've only been training for a few months, most of my background has been in boxing, which I did with gusto for several years before injuring myself severly enough to never be able to continue the sweet sciennce again.

Obviously Aikido is a beatiful art, but, at least as I have seen it practiced so far, it's applications are somewhat limited. It does teach foot work, positioning, and proper technique both in applying and recieving a throw. Perhaps even more importantly it teaches peaceful resolution of conflicts with minmal force.

My major difficulty with Aikido has been in the application "uke" techniques. As any boxer will tell you stepping through a puch is a sure way to get taken apart, and hurt rather badly. This emphasis on straight linear, and rather transparent movements from uke is somewhat limiting. Worse still, many of my training partners, even a few who have been training for several years, appear to lack basic punching technique, the use of shoulder and head feints to comit a defender to an action, and the use of combinations and advanced footwork from the position of uke.

I don't really object to any of this, mostly because I think the spiritual benefits of Aikido are quite wonderful and fulfilling, and the training is much easier on body than boxing ever was, however I worry sometimes about the younger kids that are training in Aikido. Many of them are going to be shocked if and when they get into their first fight, and that first real punch lands flush. Pain, adreneline and fear are all things that are not readily simulated in Aikido, nor is the presence of a focused consistant combatant bent upon the bodily harm of the practitioner.

This isn't to say that Aikido isn't effective, but as mentioned its primary use may be in surprising an opponent with a set of techniques the practioners assailants are unused too. Perhaps more importantly however I think many aikido practitioners need to rethink the role uke. Intention, in my opinion, needs to mean more than giving full power to a punch, it needs to entail the proper technique behind the punch as well as the potential follow-up after that attack, whether that be a head-butt, elbow or an upper-cut.

This isn't to that anyone should go looking for fights in bars or anywhere else, I've been there, and no matter how tough anyone thinks they are, there is always someone tougher, meaner, or more willing to pull a gun, i simply think that maybe the role of uke needs to be rethought and perhaps taken back to what the founder intended. but then again what the hell do I know.

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