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Old 02-09-2010, 03:45 PM   #120
Allen Beebe
Location: Portland, OR
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 532
Re: Aiki-Ken vs reality

George S. Ledyard wrote: View Post
I would say that Saito Sensei's sword work would have to define what might be called "orthodox" aikisword. He was a tremendous systematizer of the vast repertoire of O-Sensei's sword work.
He was a tremendous systematizer of the vast repertoire of O-Sensei's sword work in a particular given time and place. And, as always, do we have evidence that O-sensei cared about having his . . . anything . . . systematized? It would seem not when he declares "There is no kata in Aikido" Which would explain why . . .

George S. Ledyard wrote: View Post
On the other hand, not everyone in Aikido followed Saito's system. Tamura, Chiba, Nishio, and Saotome Sensei's didn't.
They are not bad students of the "system" they just recognize there is no tomb of truth that defines orthodoxy.

George S. Ledyard wrote: View Post
So to my mind, aiki sword is sword done utilizing the same principle as empty hand.
What principle is that? Would it be Aiki?

George S. Ledyard wrote: View Post
It is just as possible to do sword work with no aiki as it is to do ordinary Aikido with no aiki.
So the defining characteristic that sets Ken jutsu and Ju (tai) jutsu apart from Aiki-ken, and Aiki tai/ju jutsu is Aiki.

Seems clear enough and the verbiage seems to be ostensibly condoned by O-sensei since he presumedly used the terms as referents to what he did . . . with Aiki . . . didn't he?

And there is Aiki-jo, Aiki- yari, Aiki-naginata, Aiki pig sticker, Aiki Kua (Japanese Hoe), and Aiki-mochi hammer (I forget what they are called but remember O-sensei had to have his hoe and hammer specially made because he'd blow apart regular ones.)

So problem solved!

And we all know what Aiki is right? I mean most of the participants in this forum teach Aiki . . . something, right?

(Of course everyone agrees that Aiki isn't kata or some predefined waza because as O-sensei so famously stated "there is no kata in Aikido." Whereas Aiki is most definitely 90% or 70% atemi (depending on who one asks) because O-sensei said that Aikido is 70-90% atemi. I guess the other 10-20% of Aikido is Love because he said that too . . . unless of course one is striking with Love in which case Aikido could be 70-90% love/atemi and 10-20% something else. Maybe the other 10-20% is Joy because in O-sensei's word play Ai=Love and Ki=Joy, so it probably is 70-90% striking/love, and 10-20% Joy! And it is a very strong love too because when O-sensei was first asked to write rules for the Hombu he wrote something along the lines of "One strike can kill in Aikido . . . ")

Oh boy, I'm beginning to tire myself out.

Well, anyway, at least we have the Aiki thing nailed down! Everyone can see that. Even folks outside Aikido can see that!

~ Allen Beebe
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