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Old 01-14-2010, 04:55 PM   #464
Keith Larman
Dojo: AIA, Los Angeles, CA
Location: California
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 1,604
Re: Very Disturbing news about Clint George

Larry Feldman wrote: View Post
It never ceases to amaze me that people think because I can teach them to do shihonage, that I am qualified to advise them on any number of life issues...
Which is a problem faced by most people in a teaching relationship because the reality is that some *do* think that way. Some will idolize you. Some will also respect you. And maybe someone might even think they're falling in love with you. Of course you may or may not deserve these things. Sometimes it is the very nature of the teaching relationship, a person of ability, doing "amazing" things, being "strong", doing whatever that thing is that is the attraction. The very teaching situation creates a relationship of sorts. One of teacher/student. One of hierarchy. Which can be abused. Or can itself create complications.

So from your "amazes me" comment I'd assume that means you have noticed that it happens regardless of our wishes. That doesn't mean you have to become their therapist, but it might help to know how to deal with that clingy student. Or the student whose infatuation is growing. Or the type of situation where what psych folk call counter transference occurs... There is a reason why most professions require their "professionals" to have some training in those areas. Because it happens.

Teachers of adults, well, I really don't have much of an issue there. If everyone in the room is a grown up by all means do whatever you want. Not the best idea IMHO (I've seen infatuations turn into romances that turned into freaking ugly situations with adults as well in this area), but whatever floats your boat. If everyone is an adult, fine, such is life.

But if you teach children and/or teenagers it might be a good idea to have some idea of how these things happen and how to deal with them if they do.

Or we could just focus on prosecuting the folk who cross the line after the fact and say that's the best we can do.

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