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Old 12-29-2009, 07:31 AM   #6
Location: Massachusetts
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 3,202
Re: Looking for alternative to Aikikai

Cherie Cornmesser wrote: View Post
Ok... I understand your anger but I think it is directed at the wrong place. You really can't decide that all Aikiki members are the same that's just unfair. I train at an aikiki affiliated dojo, and it is nothing at all like what you describe..
Being a bit of a devil's advocate here, I can see where you or I would see things very differently than someone who had trained for two years in aikido Style X, and then joined a school of a different style. Depending on the styles in question, everything that you learned, down to basic footwork, may need to be modified. That's a really hard thing to do. Even if you're transitioning between two completely different styles of martial arts -- say, karate to aikido or vice versa -- many people don't understand why it's counterproductive to drag their old training behind them, and those that do still struggle with it. How much more difficult must it be to go from aikido Style X to aikido Style Y? Here you are, with two years of training under your belt, feeling like you've learned something and wanting to carry it forward...and you can't.

I think the solution is that you don't have to forget what you know, but you do have to suspend judgment about how it ought to be done. But, easier said than done, and very frustrating in the interim.
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