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Old 12-03-2009, 10:40 AM   #95
ninjaqutie's Avatar
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Re: My gi makes me look fat.

Jerome Cervantes wrote: View Post
hey ash

they're really not different. not that i can see at least... our dojo orders our supplies mainly from kiyota co. when i first started wearing my hakama, i wanted to find out what the difference was between 'aikido' and 'kendo' hakama, if there was one. so i'm on the phone with mr kiyota (really nice guy) and i asked him what the difference was. he said 'oh, little bit difference.'
so i said, 'really? they're different?'
'little bit.'
'what's the difference?'
'about 10 dolla.'
In my dojo, the aikido hakama doesn't have the spoon, the koshiita is a flexible rubber (most times), the himo are longer because you tie both in the front (or at least we do in our dojo) and have more stitching for durability. I would say that there are differences. Are they huge, no, but they exist. Same thing with an iaido gi and an aikido gi. They are essentially the same, but aikido gi's are thicker, more durable and often don't have a tie at the top that the iaido one's do. Again, I guess I should state that at least this is what I have found in my dojo and from talking to people from a few other dojos. I'm sure this is subject to change depending where you dojo is, affiliation and sensei....

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