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Old 12-01-2009, 09:42 AM   #79
Victoria Pitt
Dojo: Shinjinkai, Chicago, IL
Location: Chicago, IL
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 82
Re: My gi makes me look fat.

Ashley Carter wrote: View Post
I'm with you on that (or at least partly). I only wear a hakama in iaido as well. I won't be wearing one in aikido for a long time (started in March). I don't think I look too awful in a gi or hakama, though I would like a gi and hakama to fit my curves better (hence I will be buying from bujin when and if I ever get the money).

P.S. Did I ever say I like you? You make me laugh an awful lot on here, and with my line of work, humor is MUCH appreciated.
Aww, that is very kind of you to say.

Last night, I was properly fitted into my Iaido uniform and I looked okay in it. I think the 100 yards of obi wrapped around my waist helped me look super svelte... Of course then I had to deal with a new issue- tripping- But that only happens when I kneel. I have to say that the hakama was the perfect size for me. It hits length wise exactly as it should. It is VERY heavy however. I have a new respect for yudansha now. I also know that if I ever do reach black belt in Aikido, I will wear a indigo cotton hakama for daily practice and the black one only for seminars, etc. The indigo one seems soooo much lighter!

Thanks again for the folding tips. You should get a rank just for getting your hakama tied properly and then folded properly. A nice lady helped me with it last night and was having a ball laughing at me trying to learn but the bow was so nice at the end. Getting the damn thing on took about 2 hours though... Much, much, much respect to you guys.

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