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Old 11-16-2009, 11:51 PM   #266
eyrie's Avatar
Location: Summerholm, Queensland
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Re: Internal Power Development Methods


Whilst the discussion about who's got it or doesn't is all good and interesting, it's not germane to the topic. There's a separate thread somewhere else for that, for the so inclined.

Tody Threadgill wrote:
Internal skills are only one among many that can be used in a cohesive manner to create a well rounded and successful budoka. Internal skills are not necessarily required for someone to be an impressive and formidable martial artist unless the art you pursue technically depends on their inclusion. That's why this topic is so important to aikidoka. Aikido demands a certain level of it, as does TSYR.
What Toby said here is pertinent though... because aikido demands a certain level of it... it begs the question, are all internal power development methods the same, and would *any* (internal power development) method suffice as a satisfactory adjunct/supplement to one's "aikido"?

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