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Old 11-16-2009, 08:37 PM   #262
Kevin Leavitt
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Dojo: Team Combat USA
Location: Olympia, Washington
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 4,376
Re: Internal Power Development Methods

Josh, that video reminds me of my MMA instructor in Germany. I "contracted" him a few years ago and drove 3 hours to Stuttgart to train a long weekend with him. I stayed at his house. Friday night he said, lets grab a quick bite and sit down and watch some vids. I thought we were going to watch fight vids. Nope 2 hours of Ashtanga Yoga with him pausing it along the way to show how it worked and related to JJ.

Anyway, he basically told me that unless I developed some baseline structure and framwork...that I would never really get it.

I remember distinctly how he would put me in closed guard and this without moving much or at all, he'd drop center and then I'd feel myself rising up through the bottom of my spine and him coming underneath me. It was not from a curling of the abs where the pressure comes from the closed guard on your back...that you can resist, now it went down, up my spine and out my head.

there were a few other things, but this one stuck with me.

Thanks for the post on Rickson's video. I really want to have the opportunity to train with him someday.

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