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Old 10-22-2009, 02:42 PM   #16
Carrie Campbell
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 58
Re: Grip… wait for me!

Jeremy Morrison wrote: View Post
I actually try not to use my fingers when "grabbing". The connection of a strong-fingered grip is pretty illusory, and I find it more effective to work on maintaining kokyu with just my palm on nage's wrist. It is hard at the beginning, but you are eventually able to feel and guess what nage's next move is going to be, even in jiyuwaza and randori. In fact, even more so then (for me anyway), since I can't lazily guide nage through the technique with suggestive ukemi (it happens sometimes by accident, to all of us, I think).

I think that the only helpful advice that comes to mind is this: if you are concentrating on holding on to nage's wrist with your fingers, you'll have that much more trouble maintaining a connection. As weird as it sounds, the grip (and paying attention to it) works against staying connected.

Hope that helps a little bit!
Jerome Cervantes wrote: View Post
i totally agree with you jer. once you grip with your fingers, that's all you rely on, and then you forget about a connection with the whole body.
Jerome, Jeremy: Sorry, but I'm not sure I understand your version of "grab" properly. When you start with katatetori, do you just have palm to wrist and leave the fingers, etc. open, or do you go ahead and wrap them around also? Is this the standard way or a learning exercise/variation? Do you just mean that you don't "squeeze" uke's wrist? (It's possible we're used to similar forms, and I'm just not explaining myself/listening well.) It seems like we Midwestern USAF folks should be fairly compatible. Jerome, perhaps you would be willing to explain it when we meet this weekend???
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