Thread: What is "IT"?
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Old 10-15-2009, 05:52 PM   #209
Dojo: TNBBC (Icho Ryu Aiki Budo), Shinto Ryu IaiBattojutsu
Location: Seattle, WA
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 927
Re: What is "IT"?

Hunter Lonsberry wrote: View Post
Electrical, took all of the required statics, physics, thermodynamics, materials etc. I spent some time in power distribution, so there is plenty of crossover into the civil engineering side. On the biological side of things, I am a layman with an interest in the subject, nothing more.

I'm also reviewing for the PE exam, so its a nice refresher on a lot of topics I haven't dealt with in 10 years or so.
BS in Physics with a minor in applied Mathematics, then went back to school with a pre-med focus intending to get into Physical Therapy. Then got offered another IT job and had kids...

Hunter Lonsberry wrote: View Post
I know you have flight experience, so the following should relate as well. I am an avid performance driving enthusiast, so I go to the track etc. Most driving schools include a classroom portion where with the aide of middle school level physics they describe what happens to your car when you corner, and what happens when things go wrong.
Great analogy. I do trackdays on my motorcycle and they run with a similar format. Basic physics so that you have a reason to do what the instructors are telling you and then repeated excursions to the track to try and make your body do it. Very much like the bodyskill stuff I've been working on, you often feel like you are doing a better job than you are and need someone to give you feedback. You also need to get over your body telling you that what you know you ought to do is a VERY BAD IDEA. Our brains are wired to think we are falling after we lean about 15 degrees from vertical. My streetbike tires are good for about 50 degrees of lean once warm and that's not even including the additional center of mass effective lean angle from getting off the bike. That's a long way from where your brain is telling you you're over too far and where you've even gotten near the limit of what you're capable of. You can KNOW this fact, know that you are well within your lean angle limits, you can do the math, trust the calculations, you can even get passed by guys leaned over further, going faster than you are and STILL not be able to get your brain and body to push any more. Theory is great, but it's not a ticket to accomplishment.

Chris Moses
TNBBC, "Putting the ME in MEdiocre!"
Budo Tanren at Seattle School of Aikido
Shinto Ryu Iai-Battojutsu
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