Thread: What is "IT"?
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Old 10-15-2009, 04:20 PM   #208
Dojo: Aunkai
Location: Fairfax, VA
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 429
Re: What is "IT"?

Erick Mead wrote: View Post
What sort of engineering? It has aided mine. My background is in aerodynamics and architectural structure -- hands on applied rather than purely conceptual. My own design-built treehouse, fwiw, survived two direct hit Cat 3 hurricanes, the first of which topped or toppled fifteen mature trees in my yard -- so my structural and dynamic intuition is hardly idle. Shear mechanics, shifting moments and rotations and resonance are my background -- and are key focus of my observation and effort on these topics -- Their neuro-muscular relationship to spinal reflex arcs is a point I have only recently uncovered.
Electrical, took all of the required statics, physics, thermodynamics, materials etc. I spent some time in power distribution, so there is plenty of crossover into the civil engineering side. On the biological side of things, I am a layman with an interest in the subject, nothing more.

I'm also reviewing for the PE exam, so its a nice refresher on a lot of topics I haven't dealt with in 10 years or so.

I tend to agree but that is why I've done that. But why should we not seek to visualize the feel according to the proper mechanics ?


It may or may not help you, but that does not mean it is not there.
I know you have flight experience, so the following should relate as well. I am an avid performance driving enthusiast, so I go to the track etc. Most driving schools include a classroom portion where with the aide of middle school level physics they describe what happens to your car when you corner, and what happens when things go wrong.

Calculating the mathematics, or understanding the theory to know when things go correct, or when things go wrong is great, but they don't aide very much while in actual practice. They are quite useful if one's goal is to understand the complex interactions of an object interacting with surrounding objects.

To give an automotive example, recognizing when I have lifted too much off the accelerator pedal causing a spin rather than enough weight transfer to rotate the car so I can make it around the corner faster. Of course if you have the instructor in the car with you, they can can tell the student driver via middle school physics, "oh, the combination of an abrupt weight shift from the rear to the front of the car, coupled with the slip angle for your particular tire, and the reduced contact patch on your outside tyres is going to make you spin right now, time to clutch in and brake hard!"

Or you could simply say as the student is beginning to lift too much, "don't lift." The same applies when developing internal skills, when someone can recognize the sensation of when its right and when its wrong and use the sensation/feedback to develop the skill.
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