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Old 10-07-2009, 10:05 AM   #15
ChrisHein's Avatar
Dojo: Aikido of Fresno
Location: Fresno , CA
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 1,646
Re: Why do people think Aikido does not work?

Joep Schuurkes wrote: View Post
Here are a few reasons. (I don't completely agree with all of them, btw, and some of them overlap a bit.)
- No sparring or 'alive' training.
- Limited technical curriculum (no body-to-body grappling, no punching/kicking).
- No aiki.
- Aikido has not proven itself in MMA fights.
- Developed from a very limited paradigm (koryu jujutsu / yawara) and never transcended that.
- Assumes the presence of weapons, but rarely trains with weapons present.
- Aikido makes unrealistic claims about doing a minimal amount of damage to the attacker.
- Most Aikido practitioners don't look mean enough.
- Lack of physical conditioning (strength/endurance/speed).
- Knowingly practicing many unrealistic (too elaborate) techniques to explore principles and ideas.
- Training techniques on poorly executed attacks during training.
- Aikido doesn't look violent enough.
- Training atmosphere is too relaxed, loose, fun.
- Lack of martial intent during practice.
- Practitioners with unrealistic ideas about fighting and self-defense.
This list is pretty great. It includes all of the major points of contention.

While some of these points are dead on, some are dead wrong, and some are simply misconceptions. All of them need to be addressed and understood. That is if we ever do want to stop beating the proverbial dead horse (Nice gif Mary).

Last edited by ChrisHein : 10-07-2009 at 10:08 AM.

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