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Old 09-30-2009, 05:47 PM   #6
Adam Huss
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Location: Ohio
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 710
Re: How does Aikido work?

No, you're absolutely right. I was juts giving one example. Here's another...assuming your techniques are Aikikai-based you do shomenuchi iriminage by blading with your outside arm against uke outside arm, then pivot tenkan while controlling the head. Instead of letting your opposite arm go to uke's neck, let it come in front of uke's body (so its almost parallel to your arm that took care of uke's attacking arm) as you tenkan. Then, with your 'second' arm 'on top' do a backhand shuto to uke's face. Do this in a manner in which uke will notice and block. We want him or her to block. When this block to your atemi occurs, you now have both of uke's hands in your control. You've basically doubled the techniques you can do in that everything you can do from the 'blading the arm' tenkan evasion, you can now do to uke's other arm.

If uke does not block atemi, just "pat" them in the face (with as much love as possible!) until they get so annoyed they block.

Really this works the majority of the time..not just with the 'iriminage' evasion. Think one wrist grab, you tenkan, do a backfist (or whatever) to prompt uke to you have their other hand. Repeat, enjoy.

Ichi Go, Ichi Ei!
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