Thread: Yoseikan katas
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Old 09-15-2009, 06:39 PM   #7
David Orange
Dojo: Aozora Dojo
Location: Birmingham, AL
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 1,511
Re: Yoseikan katas

Alejandro Villanueva wrote: View Post
Hi all. There are a couple of katas in the Yoseikan that we've never been taught. I'm talking about the Kansetsu Waza no Kata and the Shime Waza no Kata.

If I could ask for a wish... could some of you enlighten me on these two katas? Like what waza are included?

I can tell you that these were two serious kata for Mochizuki Sensei and we would do them from time to time. I never thought of them as being on the level of such kata as Hyori no Kata and Tai Sabaki no Kata, but they were important to Sensei. They are included in Nihon Den Jujutsu. Do you know anyone with a copy?

The katas are performed as kata, with uke resisting only at specified times and in specific ways. Otherwise, he is compliant.

Each form is a chain of techniques with tori applying one, then moving or moving uke and applying another, then moving and applying another so there's not as much sense of action/reaction. These katas are more like a physical list of techniques. Kansetsu Waza no Kata may have more of the action/reaction and it presents techniques to some degree in order of ease of moving from one to the next and also as evolutions of the previous technique, such as bend the hand inward, then bend the hand outward, do shita ude garame the switch to ue ude garame, juji-gatame with one leg over, then with both legs over and things like that.

Shime Waza no Kata is just a chain, ordered by convenience of moving from one to the next but there's not much sense of switching from one to the next because uke tries to counter: each of these techniques is a finishing technique and you get very effectively choked time after time after time when doing uke for this. But it doesn't seem to do any harm. If you don't overdo it, I guess.

Hope that's of some help.

Best to you.


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