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Old 08-18-2009, 10:36 AM   #34
Lan Powers
Dojo: Aikido of Midland, Midland TX
Location: Midland Tx
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 660
Re: Steven Seagal seems like a jerk teacher. A bit at least...

From "Path Beyond Thought" the film has a very long list of students, (and former students) who had only praise for him on a personal level.
The film personna is a construct who (it is hoped) doesn't reflect his true personal qualities.
It IS just acting, however poorly done.

For what it is worth, the very first time I actually SAW Aikido was in his movie Above The Law. Heard of it, wanted to try it, butnever actually found it in the rural area I lived in.
Big ripples in the movie pond when it came out.... as posted earlier lots of potential *then*.

Play nice, practice hard, but remember, this is a MARTIAL art!