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Old 08-11-2009, 06:39 AM   #40
Ron Tisdale
Dojo: Doshinkan dojo in Roxborough, Pa
Location: Phila. Pa
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 4,615
Re: True Internal Strength

No real arguement there with me, Mike. If someone wants to redefine words to suit their own purposes though, it doesn't really affect my practice. I'll call them on it, and then move on (hopefully) so that others can see a different perspective.

As long as the disinformation is countered, I don't think a public board is the place to squabble over it, necessarily. This board doesn't function like an engineering conference, or a mathmatics conference. For one thing, in those cases, most anyone who has a slot for a presentation has been subjected to peer review BEFORE they present. That isn't the case here.

So yeah, people have the right to say things *I* might think are ill advised, or wrong, or whatever. The only means to deal with it is to speak up from my own perspective. If someone wants more of a peer review process, QiJin can provide that. I only get a little ticked when the same person who wants to redifine stuff, also wants to control what others can say in response...then they should put up their own board, and talk to themselves all day, since that is all they want to hear.

Say, remember the old rec.martial-arts.moderated? That was an attempt for a more peer reviewed process. Is it still around?

Mike Sigman wrote: View Post
I dunno, Ron... I think that at a math convention it is probably a waste of time to treat the guy talking about "The Sacred Wisdom of the Kami", etc., with some kind of equivalence if he shows that he obviously doesn't know the subject of math and is applying his own definitions to it. One of the reasons Aikido and Aikido discussions get dismissed so easily in the Outer World is because of this imbued equivalency and "aikispeak" that needlessly clouds so many issues.

If there's a question, Buck should go see and then report on what he saw and what he showed could be done. Period. Ueshiba didn't answer challenges with "thought experiments".

Anyone can post countless posts. Everything is not equivalent. Not all interpretations of Aikido are equally valid. Remind me to tell you a funny story about Saotome blowing his cool one time just because he got tired of the BS "all views are valid" inputs and questions. Only in a fat, dumb, and happy culture would all of this flummery be treated as serious discussion about a martial art. Ueshiba carried a sword, not a keyboard.


Mike Sigman

Ron Tisdale
"The higher a monkey climbs, the more you see of his behind."
St. Bonaventure (ca. 1221-1274)