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Old 08-05-2009, 02:11 PM   #61
Jon Haas
Location: South Jersey
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 27
Re: "Internal training, Aiki, and empowering Aikido" Seminar w/Dan Harden

Hi Mark,

Mark Murray wrote: View Post
I know how working on internal/aiki applies to my aikido, but how do you see it applying to your martial art?
My background is in Bujinkan martial arts and a little RMA (Systema and ROSS Training System). What I saw this past weekend at Dan's seminar is, in my opinion, a fundamental body skill, conditioning method, that "should" be the backbone of all budo. It became very clear when he was moving with weapons (and without!!) how effective this type of body is for martial movement.

Mark Murray wrote: View Post
Some of you were around when we were playing around with negating joint locks. How do you see that affecting your teaching and/or training? Especially considering it takes such a small amount of time to progress?
You know, Mark, I was really good at applying joint locks to people, no matter how they were resisting, right up until this weekend!! That was a very new and interesting experience for me!!

Since I cannot do it yet, it does not have an immediate effect on my training. But, I fully intend to perservere doing Dan's exercises daily, so I hope to have to address this question in the near future.

Mark Murray wrote: View Post
How do you see breakfalls now? Considering that having a structure changes how you react and move, how are you looking at them?
Same as above.

Mark Murray wrote: View Post
Is there anything that you would like to have seen more of? Less of?
I would like to have seen more applications of using the changed body in a more martial context, but I fully understand that we were merely scratching the surface this weekend.

Mark Murray wrote: View Post
Was anything not clearly presented or explained? By either Dan or any of those helping? I know some had questions and I tried my best to help answer, but I don't think I got things 100% clear. Here's a chance to ask more questions.
I think the presentation by Dan and all those helping was truly excellent. The explanations, examples, advice, insight, and even stories told all combined to create a very effective mode of presentation.

Thank you all for an incredible and eye opening weekend!

Jon Haas
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