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Old 08-04-2009, 01:59 PM   #525
Kevin Leavitt
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Re: Is It Missing In Everybody's Aikido?

Rob wrote:

I had no idea where and how to direct my mental intention, and how to hold it in many opposing directions with the slack out of my body. People said things like "just relax".
and hence the crux of the whole issue at hand. It is just so dang hard to communicate the "feel" or "concept". Mike Sigman and Ark both tried over and over to communicate using all three methods when I met with them (Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthic.)

It is hard, hard, hard to do this...even in a weekend seminar, then go home and learn it. Especially when you realize during the seminar that you simply have not even developed your body enough to begin to understand structurally or kinesthetically what they are attempting to communicate.

All the labeling and documentation cannot help with this process I think.

I like the Airplane example you provide Erick. It really drives the point home for me. I personally agree with you that this stuff should and can be described much like how you get an airplane to fly. However, intellectually understanding that, does not mean I can actually fly the 747. In fact, I would submit that you don't need to know any of that at all.

You simply need the experience of being behind the controls and doing it...over and over and over again until you can do it.

AND flying a 747 should actually be EASIER than learning what we are doing. They have feedback in the form of computers and dials and gauges that tell you what you need to do in many cases.

No, doing this stuff is more like flying a wright flyer in which it is totally seat of the pants by feel.

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