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Old 07-13-2002, 12:59 AM   #20
Dojo: Shinju-Kai
Location: Singapore
Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 10
I've done karate (Shotokan & Budokan) learned Tang Soo Do until I was a 1st Dan black belt (broke my uncle's arm during one regular sparring session...I was a white belt, he was already a black at that time) and gotten into various fights with the local toughs, always cos I didn't want to surrender my wallet to them.

I never lost a fight yet.

However, along the way, got married, had kids, stopped martial arts training and discovered that even though I'm physically fit from my other sporting activites, that I was one day, going to get my arm broken by some young upstart, IF I decided to take up Karate, TSD, TKD, fillintheblankhere...

Walked into a local rec centre. Saw Aikido in action for the first time, fell in love. REALLY applied myself, got my first rank in less than 6 months and came to the realisation that I wish I had learnt Aikido from the very beginning .... amazing martial art :-)

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