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Old 07-31-2009, 07:44 AM   #9
Kevin Leavitt
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Dojo: Team Combat USA
Location: Olympia, Washington
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 4,376
Re: the changed body

Yes. Since meeting up with Mike Sigman, Rob John, Ark, and Toby Threadgill in the last 2 years....and a few other changed my perspective on my training and what I need to do in order to get better.

I dabbled in this stuff for a while, not really giving it the commitment that it required. (I still liked to be "entertained" by going to the dojo and rolling or doing waza). However, a few injuries, and the level of frustration of not really getting anywhere, I decided to change a bunch of things in the last 7 months.

One, Diet. Losing 35 lbs has helped. Another 22 to go and I will be down in my BMI range. Already have Triglycerides back to normal as well as cholesterol. Working on the BP thing.

Two, I took up a pretty serious Yoga practice. Bikram is working for me. I see many parallels between what I have learned from these gentleman. Breathing, building the suit, core, strength of the core etc.

While the Yoga may not be as specific to martial is available to me locally and I can practice it daily under competent supervision.

The more I do, the stronger, more connected I am becoming. Mike Sigman tried to get me to conceptualize and feel the "suit" as he calls it. I could not 18 months ago. I am starting to kinda get what he is saying now....a little....felt the stretch through my fingers last week as I did a couple of asana and connected it with my breathing.

(thanks Mike!).

How have I benefited?

Well my backpain is almost non exsistent. The Numbness in my leg/foot from Sciatica is gone. I am gaining feeling back in my right arm from damaged C5/6/7. so that is good.

I feel better overall in my body...and at least feel like I am beginning to reduce my use of my upper body in Waza...although I have a way, way long way to go.

BJJ is much more measurable and quantifiable..although many would say this is external...I don't care...I am able to move better, with more efficiency and I am beating more guys and holding my own more than I was a couple of months ago.

So, my take on all this Solo training stuff is that it works and you must do it.

For me 80% of my training time is now spent on solo work. I will continue to comit to this for a while cause this is what I need. At times I may go to 50% or just depends on alot of factors.

What is the secret?

I think just doing something. Doesn't matter to me if it is Mike Sigman's, Arks, or even a really good Yoga practice.

You can't afford to just sit back, think about it, and do nothing for fear of doing the wrong thing. I wasted alot of time over the past 2 years doing this. Jump in and start breathing and stretching and moving your body in some way. There is enough out there on You tube and in Yoga to start doing something.

I think there is a certain amount of base work/conditioning that is necessary for you to really benefit from "master" level instruction.

This was apparent when I got with Ark. I lacked it and it was evident to me. Hopefully the next time I get with him, I will be better prepared to physically work with his training. is fun, and I like how I am feeling in my body. I like the fact that I really feel I am doing a practice that will allow me to train as I progress from middle age to old age and maybe I won't be hobbling around the dojo with a cane and a blown out back.

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