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Old 07-11-2002, 05:39 AM   #1
drDalek's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 155
Why did you start doing aikido?

Personally, I started doing aikido because:

1) I have always had an interest in the more esoteric aspects of eastern philosophy and their aproach to health and welfare.

2) I needed to do something that ads meaning to my life, before starting aikido my life revolved around being bored at work and being bored at home and becoming tired of going to the same boring places with the same old crowd.

3) I felt the need to become more physically active and joining a plain old gym just would not cut it.

Please post the reasons you started doing Aikido. I am sure there are a lot more reasons than the usual "I wanted to break people's faces like Steven Seagal"
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