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Old 07-08-2009, 08:41 AM   #123
Basia Halliop
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 711
Re: How effective is aikido in self defense?

It is a little bit like saying that you can strike before, during or after an attack. It is all very clever but that really what are the other possibilities to attack?
I'm not talking about striking at all, or even feeling 'confident' you could, or whatever... I'm talking about not getting into situations where striking is likely to even be in question in the first place, leaving the street/person/room/city/conversation/etc long before anything like an attack has happened to you or is likely to. The vast majority of the time (OK maybe it depends where you live and stuff) that seems like the first most important and most fundamental skill, at least to me. Most people (again, maybe that's a perception based on my own experience and people I know) have never in their lives been physically attacked by someone 'for real', let alone someone trying to kill them, and probably never will. If someone is honestly just trying to be safe, learning how to be one of those people seems obviously practical and logical.

There's nothing wrong with learning to physically fight, and there are lots of non-practical reasons to do martial arts, and maybe for the odd rare person it's even 'practical', it just seems several steps lower down the list of priorities if you're looking at purely practical safety-related things.

Of course, it is much more likely for acquaintances of some sort to be involved in violence with you. You spend more time with them and they don't rely on you passing at an appropriate location and time of the day. IE the windows of opportunity for them is much bigger that for a total stranger.
They're also far more likely to feel strongly enough about you or about things you do to get angry at you or try to hurt you.
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