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Old 07-03-2009, 07:27 PM   #38
Dai Zhi Qiang
Location: Wellington
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 14
New Zealand
Re: Uses of the Hara within different traditions

Mike Sigman wrote: View Post
Well, look at what I said... "Liu He" was and is part of many martial arts, including many ancient ones. Six harmonies movement with its mode of dantien usage comes from way back. Unless Ji Long Feng had a time machine, all those other arts didn't descend from him. Do you think, for instance, that Tanglang Liu He is an offshoot of Xinyi?


Mike Sigman

From what I can see, Liu He Tang Lang Quan was formed in the mid Qing (1644--1912) by master Wei San, using a combination of Shaolin Liu He Quan and Tang Lang Quan.

Liu He theory was first popularised (if not founded as I have no proof otherwise by Ji Long Feng). In XYLHQ they have a chuan pu called "Ten Principles of Xinyi Liuhe". I decided to post some from it.

"The background of this book include Li Shi Ming of Henan in the 11th year of Emperor Yong Zheng, Wang Zhi Cheng from Xin An, Wang Chen Ling of Ru Province in the 19th year 7th month of Emperor Qian Long, Ma Ding Zhen of Ru Province from 44th year of Qian Long."

It then states, "There is no one style of martial arts, who knows who is the real founder of martial arts? Liuhe came from Shanxi Ji Long Feng, a man who lived in the waning reign of Ming Dynasty, skilled in the spear, known as ‘God' by the populace. As quoted from this man, "In times of war, the spear can be a weapon to protect oneself, but in times of peace, when there are no more weapons, and yet the unexpected happens, how should one defend oneself?"

Thus, he began to change the spear skills into unarmed combat skills, gather all the theories into one book, developed a million moves (translator: again ‘million' in Chinese is contextual, it means very many), named the martial art as Liuhe, with six forms. Why only one book? This is because there is only one soul from the heart. Why so many moves? This is because moves can change and develop. What is Liuhe (Six Harmonies)? The heart harmonises with the intent, the qi with power, ligaments with bones, hand with foot, elbow with knee, shoulder with hip, this is the Liuhe.

I would like you to elaborate on dan tian usage from earlier time periods and if you could name specific styles or give me some examples. Cause I went to many different schools in China (saw nearly every XYLHQ style as well as met many other Nei Jia Quan) and no one had the ability to rotate the dan tian (on a vertical plane) like my present teacher or carried the same type of physical development.

I am not saying that other styles cannot have this, but so far I never met anyone (would love to). I have friends who are Chen style practitioners, but their dan tian methods are not the same from comparison.

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