Thread: Trust
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Old 06-26-2009, 03:04 PM   #30
Location: Miami, FL
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 453
Re: Trust

I appreciate your posts, David and Ron. Ron, I usually have fun reading what you write, because even when it's not beneficial in a serious way, you just have a fun sense of humor. David, I think you're mostly correct with your remarks. I just hope everyone realizes that it's not my way to pick on disabled women or dogs.

Actually, with the great dane, that was my brother's dog when we both lived in Tallahassee over a decade ago. When Captain was pretty young, he would chew up my brother's wallet or such, or use his apartment as a restroom. The noodle was really for one of the same three human forms of positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, and punishment. I was attending FSU, and mostly doing my own thing, including taking up Aikido. But every now and then, I'd end up at my brother's and his girlfriend's place. She had a pit bull with a somewhat annoying teething fetish, even at one or two years old. Anyway, my brother always made sure not to go within a close distance to the closet o' foam noodle, unless Captain in fact needed to be punished. I think positive or negative reinforcement are the best, but I suppose sometimes punishment is the most effective option, the less traumatizing the better. But oh, Cappy did hate that closet!

As far as Janet's post, mostly it was a matter of me contemplating and forming what I thought would be a really though-provoking (not anger-provoking) thread. I suppose the first reply being informative, but with initials I didn't recognize and the word, "emphatically," that it was a system shock for me. I thought my gut was really onto something. Maybe it was, and she just begged to differ. Also, I knew what I meant by "trust," but after re-evaluating my wording, I believe either others - quite fairly - didn't know what to think, or thought I meant something else. I am steadily recovering from the bad feelings, will gather myself, and either start a new thread or make an effort to clarify this one. I like the discussions we have on Aikiweb, and the last thing I want to do is alienate myself from you guys and gals.

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