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Old 05-26-2009, 11:21 AM   #16
David Orange
Dojo: Aozora Dojo
Location: Birmingham, AL
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 1,511
Re: Obama's Spending vs Obama's Spending Cuts

Mike Sigman wrote: View Post
a number of the bad-boyz have already taken a read on Obama where they think he's on the same level as Jimmuh Carter.
I think that's what they pirates holding that Captain were thinking just before they stopped thinking permanently. And I think Obama is going to fool a lot of people with that kind of attitude. But is it better to be like Jimmy Carter and not be tough enough, or is it better to be like Bush and kill many, many thousands of innocent people in a war that simply never should have been started? He was closer to Barney Fife than he was to Carter and, frankly, I'd rather have Carter.

Mike Sigman wrote: View Post
the Obama admin forced a number of Chrysler investors (who put up real money) to take about 30-cents on the dollar and then gave secondary/junior investors, the labor unions, 50-cents on the dollar for the Chrysler buyout. I.e., money was taken from people (actual investors) and given to unions.
Was it actually "given" to the unions or was that to pay half of what the union members were actually owed--money they had earned many years ago for WORK they did, pensions and healthcare plans that existed when they did the work?

The investors watched the company going down the drain for months and years. They left their money at risk and they are lucky to get anything out of it. Just like the employees of United Airlines who were simply shafted out of money they had earned through hard work. The only difference is that the employees actually did work for those pensions and the investors simply screwed them. And for the investors, it's more like a night at a casino than any real risk to them. They lose, they don't really feel it, but the worker loses and his family is suddenly homeless. Which is really better for America?

Mike Sigman wrote: View Post
Dan, that was a good quote by Churchill, but Churchill only helped win the war, he didn't help win the hearts of the very liberals who unrepentently got them into WWII.
Interesting that right after WWII the Brits created the National Health Service (NHS) that provides excellent health care for all brits--something America should look to as a model. The Brits are far ahead of us on that.


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