Thread: Practical Peace
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Old 05-26-2009, 07:43 AM   #4
C. David Henderson
Location: Santa Fe New Mexico
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 606
Re: Practical Peace

As to whether there are some people who "can't be reached" except by acting -- as they are perceived as acting -- in a brutal and violent way, consider this: A number of professional interrogators have testified before Congress that methods based on creating a personal relationship actually worked, and even were the methods that produced the valuable intelligence from victims who were also waterboarded. Moreover, according to one US interrogator with extensive field experience in Iraq, the majority of foreign fighters he questioned reported US abuses of Islamic captives was one of the main reasons they joined up. Keep in mind these were among those who carried out suicide bombings targeting US (and likely British, etc.) military.

To me, rei is relevant here.

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