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Old 05-11-2009, 09:41 PM   #36
Dan O'Day
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Location: Redmond, Washington
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 34
Re: Did Aikido die with O'Sensei?

Aikido die with O'Sensei?

Nope. Many of my thoughts on the matter have already been posted here.

But I was wondering...someone brought it up...what is the deal with the continual honoring of O'Sensei? His picture is on every shomen and he is spoken of regularly as the...I don't know, the ultimate master?

While of course I have great respect for his abilities and his teachings I never knew the man. And like millions and millions of great men and women over the eons, I never met them either.

I wonder if it serves a useful purpose to discuss a person at such length after their death? Once in awhile, of course seems fine. Or to help one grieve the loss of someone close who has passed.

But to foster and perpetuate a reverance for one who today's younger generation never knew and never even lived during said person's lifetime...I don't know what purpose it serves.

Today is now. I am now. My aikido and everything else in my life is now.

What is not now? Memories? I suppose.

I don't think I want a freeway or a bridge named after me. I would guess O'Sensei wouldn't want that either but then how would I know? I never knew him.

Why do we so revere folks who are gone? Why not revere so folks who are here?

Did Aikido die with O'Sensei?

Quiet Hank, my most revered friend in the right now, says the only reason he thinks he's going to die is based on being told he was born.

The shomen...maybe a better picture would be that of the chief instructor's teacher and if that person had passed then maybe a rotating photo of every dojo member or maybe nothing but the calligraphy or a cool photo of a mountain stream or whatever.

Did Aikido die with O'Sensei? I never knew the man but from what I've heard O'Sensei died with aikido. And maybe that's a legacy we can all share. Equally. And with reverance.