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Old 04-24-2009, 12:50 PM   #44
Mark Jakabcsin
Dojo: Charlotte Systema, Charlotte, NC
Location: Carolina
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 207
Re: YouTube: Video of my Sensei doing randori

Ron Tisdale wrote: View Post
Hi Mark, long time no hear, speak, see or write! Been busy...but life is good.

Would you consider what you, Phil and Jeff did in the partner attack in that garage some time ago as "uke working together"? If so, would the evasions that I attempted qualify as "aikido"? How sucsessful do you think it was (at least until I got tired and was backed up against the wall )?
Good to hear from you. I have been a traveling fool lately but I have not been up your direction in awhile. Maybe in a couple months.

Sorry I do not recall the specific instance you mention above nor I am qualified to judge what is or is not Aikido. I was hoping to see an example from SJ with anyone as tori showing multiple ukes working together. I have never seen training done in Aikido that teaches people how to work as a team, hence I am interested to see.

There is more to coordinating attacks than simply attacking at the same time. Understanding coordinated movement, distance, body positioning and having a general strategy for everyone on the attacking team are all issues to be trained. I am not aware of many arts that actually teach and practice how to work together. Frankly this type of training is far more valuable for LEO's than the standard joint locking, blocking and fear building training they normally receive.

Take care,

Mark J.
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