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Old 04-14-2009, 02:26 PM   #29
Dojo: West Wind Dojo Santa Monica California
Location: Malibu, California
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 1,295
Re: YouTube: Video of my Sensei doing randori

Kevin Leavitt wrote: View Post
Michael, you are probably right about the coordinated attack thing possibily costing is always a concern.

It is interesting when you have three uke you are not used to working with and you have to go to on a set of assumptions about what will occur in the situation.

My philosophy, and it has served me well for the most part, is to get ahead of their attack and disrupt it before they can launch.

philosophy aside....

I believe uke should be hesitant to attack, (I would not say "afraid" but hesitant.)

My job is to disrupt, get ahead of the attack and to cause them to re-adjust there pattern.

I do agree that I could have been less clashing, especially at the end as I begin to lean forward and to is something I have to work on.
Well I agree Kevin that is one of the primary goals of Randori but more important to me is how well Nage performs under physical duress... The Pace of Randori should be as such that Nage must move and execute. Randori is a test of Nage's Martial Awareness and Focus under Physical and Emotional Duress.

There was a vid here a while back of Matsuoka Sensei doing Randori and is close to what I am talking about....Some folks panned it as being a little too coreographed but it gives you a good idea of what Advanced Level Randori looks like

AS to SJ and others point about coordinated attacks Well that is another goal of Randori but lets be realistic here... The Uke's live to attack again LOL The trick with that kind of Randori is how to practice taking Ukes "out" in the most realistic manner possible while staying within safe Randori practice

Here is where "Aiki" plays a real part...I have been "hit" by a few of our Senior Level Yudansha and even though it was half or three quarter "speed" I am not sure I would like to experiance it "for real" LOL

That to me is what Kevin is reffering to as Uke "being hesitant to attack." LOL

William Hazen
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