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Old 04-12-2009, 10:37 PM   #6
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Re: Dance, Wrist Locks & Sub-Teens

Thomas Donelson wrote: View Post
My idea is that if the youngsters stay standing, and don't hit, then teachers don't have to implement discipline. So there are several goals of wrist lock training, aimed at both opponents remaining standing, and training to avoid getting hurt, or inflicting injury.
Hi Thomas,
In this situation I don't think locks would preclude the need for teachers to issue discipline. If one student lays hands on another in any way that is aggressive, discipline of some form is required: period. It could be anything from a verbal warning to a police call depending on the particulars of the situation and age of the students. Disciplining students is simply part of the job of teachers. I like that you're trying to streamline things, but I'm not sure locks instead of strikes is the way to do it. I love the idea of training to avoid getting hurt or inflicting injury though! That is spot on in my book.

One Goal of my wrist lock training is to have youngsters avoid getting disciplined, or having witnesses say "That child hit _____." Often witnesses see only part of a confrontation, so even if witnesses are interested in giving a truthful account, striking or kicking in a confrontation, risks a truthful witness giving part of a story, that fails to give the true picture, and can make a child using permissable, lawful self-defense, look guilty.
Maybe I should ask this: what is the point of having youngsters avoid getting disciplined? Also, accidentally spraining or breaking someone's wrist because that person moved poorly (e.g. wasn't given training on how to avoid getting hurt) is just as bad, if not worse, than a punch to the face.

One concern I have is that when I first learned a wrist techniques, my partner was really upset with me, because I had no judgement about the pain I was causing my partner. So injury is possible, so I am trying to build sensitivity into the training, as a first step.
And that was in a contolled environment I presume. Imagine someone with slight training operating in a more hectic situation. Instead of a bruised cheek you could have a broken wrist instead. I'm not trying to say kids can't learn wrist locks in a way that reaches the goals you have in mind, but there are many liability issues at play here I think.

I am starting to learn more about wrist locks. I know two.
Learning the basic form is easy I think. It can take a lot longer to learn how to apply them with serious precision, and that seems to be what you're describing. Books and videos are great for learning the basic form, but it takes some serious study to get beyond that, let alone to teach it very well.
If you're looking to teach kids how to avoid getting into trouble from fighting situations, teach them ways to evade and deescalate.

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