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Old 04-11-2009, 10:23 PM   #18
George S. Ledyard
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Dojo: Aikido Eastside
Location: Bellevue, WA
Join Date: Jun 2000
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Re: YouTube: Video of my Sensei doing randori

Szczepan Janczuk wrote: View Post

However, working the spaces, is only possible when uke are attacking in row and not simultaneously, so in reality it is useless. Also even if they attack in row but fast and from different direction, after few throws tori is kaput, he will miss the space to going back. Also, more important, this is against of Founder teaching (aikido is irimi and atemi) So I think it must be forbiden to practice that way.
I think there is a misconception here about what I mean and how we use it. We use it all the time and it works well. But I'd have to show you what I mean, video won't necessarily do it. You need to see it live when the decisions are spontaneous.

As for the issue of "irimi"... "irimi" is inherent in proper rotation, it is not limited to forward movement only. I can "enter" while stepping back. It has to do with proper neutral pivot points and such. None of which I can explain well in a written forum. I could attempt some diagrams but past experience would indicate that my skills as an artist are less than dubious.

Anyway, I think we are basically on the same page. I will say that, part of the "working the spaces" principles has to do with getting the individual lines of attack from each attacker to intersect so that they either bash into each other or decelerate their attack by avoiding the collisions. In other words I can simply move myself to a spot at which the attackers will meet each other before they get to me. We teach this and practice it and it works quite nicely. Anyway, thanks for the input. If we meet some time I can show you what I meant.

George S. Ledyard
Aikido Eastside
Bellevue, WA
Aikido Eastside
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