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Old 04-06-2009, 10:26 PM   #6
Michael Varin
Dojo: Aikido of Fresno
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 567
Re: YouTube: Video of my Sensei doing randori


I realize that you are new to aikido, but if I may lend you some discernment, this video shows a fairly common problem with aikido randori. The uke make their attacks sequentially 95% of the time. They are providing opportunities to complete techniques that probably shouldn't be there. It basicly amounts to a series of one-on-ones that has nothing to do with controlling multiple attackers.

On the other hand, when uke attack simultaneously they will put a great deal more pressure on nage and create much more interesting situations. Techniques will have to adapt accordingly.

There are numerous instances in this short video, but 0:08 and 0:21 are the most illustrative. If the uke were acting together nage would likely have been smashed both times. At 0:31 uke do attack simultaneously, noticeably changing the "effectiveness" of nage's response, but they lack the intention to bring nage down.

Also, while I doubt that punching at a moving target is great idea, I know kicking at a moving target is a bad idea!

Out of curiosity, I searched YouTube after I wrote this post. Here were the first three videos that came up and a related video. They feature a 2nd kyu, presumably some dan-ranked practioner, and a 7th dan all showing the same problems. (What was the significance of adding a fourth uke? Did it change anything other than giving more rest to the uke between attacks?)

"Through aiki we can feel the mind of the enemy who comes to attack and are thus able to respond immediately." - M. Mochizuki
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