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Old 03-25-2009, 02:18 AM   #9
Carsten Möllering
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Dojo: Hildesheimer Aikido Verein
Location: Hildesheim
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Re: Primary Techniques

David Skaggs wrote: View Post
I just wanted a straight forward answer wihout any philosophy of why or why not.
I think there is no straight forward answer to your question.

atemi + tai sabaki is the answer I like best.

My picks would be shomen ate and shiho nage.
I don't know Shodokan Aikido but does shomen ate work when attacked from behind?
Does Shiho nage work if you don't get an arm?

I experienced that Aikido looks quite different when used in a real self defence situation.

@ Chris Hein:

katate dori and gyakute dori don't describe techniques but are attacks. Can you please esplain me your thoughts?

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