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Old 01-16-2009, 10:26 PM   #174
Dojo: Shinkaikan Medford Oregon
Location: Medford, Oregon
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 26
Re: Using ki-skills for "aiki" in Daito-Ryu

Mike, I definitely agree that just talking about this stuff really doesn't tend to go far. Got to communicate body to body in order to reach understanding. That said, I am enjoying our conversation emensely. I do not often have a chance to talk about these things outside of my dojo. Although I am certainly constrained as to how much I can discuss here, even the little that we have been able to exchange has been very enjoyable for me. Thank you for that.

Regarding the video, I have never seen any uke respond like that to any techniques of any teacher I have had hands on experience with. Have you felt this teacher and had a similar response (ie the jumping around well after contact has been broken)?

The test that I am referring to is nothing special in my opinion. It is merely meant to limit the physical body to the point where you need to rely entirely on aiki skills and not on muscle power, leverage, pushing. pulling, lifting, etc. There is nothing mystical about the exercise I detailed nor is it a particularily high level thing in my opinion. I would guess that a well trained 2-3 years of experience aiki practitioner (shoden oku) could do this after playing with it for a bit. The test should work on just the average Joe off the street without him having been told what will happen or having seen anyone else do this exercise, so it is not limited to a believer.

Last edited by R H : 01-16-2009 at 10:36 PM.
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