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Old 01-16-2009, 08:53 AM   #155
Dojo: Shinkaikan Medford Oregon
Location: Medford, Oregon
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 26
Re: Using ki-skills for "aiki" in Daito-Ryu

Interesting...Kuroda Sensei and Okamoto Sensei, who are friends, both seem to disagree with you, Mike. I believe this because they have both been asked (in my presence) whether they are doing essentially the same thing. Their answers were rather similar, "Because humans live under gravity and have a common body structure, mind, etc, there is a certain degree of principle overlap, but there is also a lot of difference." I suppose a good metaphor might be that they are two distinct colors in a rainbow. If you care to ask them directly, I am sure they would both be happy to discuss this with you if you visit them. Better do it soon though, as Okamoto Sensei is well into his 80's.

As I am no expert on their arts, it would seem improper for me to disagree with them both. For now, at least, I will just keep an open-mind as to what they are teaching and save a definite answer for a day when I am standing at the top of the mountain as a result of climbing it with my own two feet. Maybe you are already high enough to see clearly for yourself, but in the end, each of us has to make a personal decision about how we wish to approach our training. As I have come to Japan to train with an instructor in traditional training, I will submit myself to their system of training whole-heartedly.

I too am enjoying this chat quite a bit. But unfortunately, I am not one who has many answers. I have my opinions, of course, but I think those will change over time as they always have. Not all that much point in me engraving them in stone at this point.

I do greatly respect your point of view, Mike. Thank you for sharing it.

P.S. on possible point of misunderstanding is how we are defining principles. If you care to clarify what you mean by it in regards to MA, that may be of help.

Last edited by R H : 01-16-2009 at 09:07 AM. Reason: Add an afterthought
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