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Old 12-30-2008, 03:57 PM   #25
Mike Sigman
Location: Durango, CO
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 4,123
Re: Starting the internal aiki quest- my experience with Aunkai

Richard Sanchez wrote: View Post
As an example, this is a quick look at a simple exercise that we start beginners with:

Start in static Tai No Henko, with Uke gripping the wrist, Katatedori, and providing resistance by pulling and pushing in a linear movement. Nage in a very close Hamni stance, (one foot space between front and back leg with both legs slightly bent, equal weighting.) The exercise progresses until the Uke is pushing and pulling as hard as they can with a Morote grip. The next stage is to add a second training partner to the other arm until Nage is able to hold ground and then add a third person who exerts pressure on Nage's hips from the rear.

In a very short space of time beginners are able to hold their position and balance without using strength. (In fact, you can't do this type of training if you use strength.)
Hi Richard:

Nice post. The above description sounds interesting and I'd like to see this as it's actually done. Is there by any chance a video somewhere (preferably on the net) that shows this particular exercise?


Mike Sigman
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