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Old 12-28-2008, 07:25 PM   #21
mathewjgano's Avatar
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Re: How truly refreshing - Tohei K. on conflict resolution

Attilio Anthony John Wagstaffe wrote: View Post
When they can yes...... much depends on the onslaught of the "human" who perpetrates the violence....... I'm sure you must be aware of how "ugly" people can get when under the influence of mental disorder or "madness" or drugs, alcohol and so forth.....
It won't happen like you think its going to..... very unpredictable as your life could be in danger and using what force is necessary is necessary...... If someone has to go "down" I try to make sure its them...... ask questions later and live to tell the tale.....
Like the great Hunter Thompson said (a man who was an authority on "altered" states): you can turn your back on a person, but never on a drug...I presume certain mental disorders are much the same thing.

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