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Old 12-17-2008, 02:34 PM   #85
Erick Mead
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Dojo: Big Green Drum (W. Florida Aikikai)
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Re: Ki, Chi, and "Energy"

Clarence Couch wrote: View Post

Now, on that thread, most everyone is saying just about the same as I said in my first post, but somehow this turned out very different. So what's the difference( besides the fact that over there, y'all're thinking and talking in Japanese and I talk in American)?
This is worth considering in that regard and helps tie in what I contemplate in my perspective with the more spiritua, less physical approaches ot the issue of Ki:
Rev. Koichi Barrish wrote:
KI is primal causer…everything is started by KI. The Great Universe is started by KI. Your mood, decisions and actions are initiated by Ki. Of course negative Ki exists but we can purify ourselves to sense Ki and to receive positive Ki
In this statement, I can find agreement from several purely Western perspectives. "First Cause" is an ancient formula, in both Greek physics and metaphysics, and latterly in theology of the Christian era. Biblically, it connects to the concept of kokyu in Genesis. The Ruah (wind or breath) of God moved on the waters of chaos, creating light and dividing light from darkness, into day and night, in continuous alteration. Kokyu - and in-yo ho -- oscillation from positive to negative where the positive is, in fact, the only real thing that exists or is gained, and the negative is merely its absence or departure.

Everything that exists, exists in an oscillatory dynamic. Mass is a set of standing waves in static oscillation; energy is those waves unbound to fare across the universe. Both may be understood, quite literally, as the reverberations of the first and mightiest clap that was Creation. Think about that when you salute the Kamidana. Yama-biko.

There is very much in Shinto and in O Sensei's understanding of Shinto that is proto-evangelical from a Christian perspective -- the degree and correspondence of of which is a constant source of fascination and speculation.


Erick Mead
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