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Old 12-14-2008, 09:39 AM   #1
John Matsushima
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Location: Miura, Japan
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 226
Kote gaeshi: method of application

In my experience, I've encountered two primary methods of applying kote gaeshi; one in which nage goes for the pain (and snaps the wrist), and the second which nage uses dynamics and connection to get a good throw. In the first, I have chosen to do breakfalls to avoid the broken wrist, whereas in the second, I felt like I was made to do a breakfall. I have held the assumption that if the wrist was broken, then the connection would also be broken along with the ability to fell the uke, like trying pick up something with a broken spoon. Basically, I think that you can't throw uke or make him fall if you break his wrist outright.

I think the first method is incorrect, unless you are trying to break the wrist; but then I consider what happens next since uke has not fallen and I am standing in front of him with my whole side open.

I prefer the second method which fells the uke instead. I don't think that kote gaeshi was meant in Aikido for breaking the attacker's wrist, but is more efficient as a throw.

A big problem I think is that many people don't know the difference, and when uke doesn't jump into a breakfall fast enough, they end up with injury.

Actually, I know some people who use the pain application (A.K.A "Move it or lose it") in all of their techniques, this is just one example.

What do you think? Do you think that the uke with fall as a result of a broken wrist? What do you teach? What do you practice?

-John Matsushima

My blog on Japanese culture
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