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Old 12-01-2008, 06:25 AM   #120
ken zen ichii
Location: Nasu Shiobara City
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 20
Re: Tracing my Philippine Aikikai Roots

Raul Rodrigo wrote: View Post
Yes, Ira, that would be the ideal situation. But we are not living in an ideal situation. Three of the current federations have their roots in the same federation, Aikido Philippines, born in 1992, split in 1997 and gave rise to FFA. A third federation was formed around 2005 by a senior teacher who was also formerly with Aikido Philippines. The seniors in control of the federations have a not too happy history with each other, which led to the splits. For these seniors, the level of personal animosity and the memory of past problems makes the prospect of reunification and/or close cooperation a very iffy proposition. We are a long way from what Prof Goldsbury called for in his earlier post: "mutual respect for a 'protocol of civilized conversation', which leads to mutual trust and a readiness to forget the old slights and insults."



Well in seems that fixing the problem will be close to impossible.
Maybe the junior members of all this groups should wait for their time to be the leaders of this groups and then if they wish they can, maybe, do something about this matter.
Master Otsuka, Founder of Wado Ryu Karate Do once said, the difference between possible and impossible is once will, so maybe when the time comes and their wounds from the not so happy past heals, maybe, just maybe, not only the Aiki Kai Philippines but all Aiki Do Ka's in the Philippines will unite.
If you dont mind me asking, When the Japanese Instructors from Aiki Kai goes to Philippines, usually how long do they stay to teach?
Training in the Hombu, actually it is not difficult, any body can go there, if you are a member just show your credentials and you can start, they have a daily basis rate on their training fee. For those not affiliated with the Aiki Kai all they have to do is sign up for Aiki Kai membership at the counter and they will be ready for training.
About the 2 filipinos in Yoshinkan, I think they entered the Uchi Deshi program, but for the filipinos in Aiki Kai hombu, I dont have a clue on which system they availed because if you have a tourist Visa here in Japan, which is for 3 months, you can already attend to their session which is not so expensive, siguro nga mas mahal pa sa Pilipinas, but for the Uchi Deshi system, you will need a long term Visa and a great deal of money because the Board and Lodging for the program is expensive. I think Ki Society Hombu, which is located about an hour from my house by car, is the most expensive, Not sure about the price, but Ive seen the place, Man, what a beautiful place. Complete facilities, Dormitories, Halls and Dojo's kanya nga lang nakakatakot ang presyo nila. How about you? Dont you have plans of joining the program?

OK got to go cause I will be on a 1,200 kilometer drive tomorrow for my project site in Shimane Prefecture, Got to drive the whole day tomorrow.

watanabe Ira
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