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Old 11-27-2008, 12:21 AM   #95
ken zen ichii
Location: Nasu Shiobara City
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 20
Re: Tracing my Philippine Aikikai Roots

Kyoshi Grade or Kyoshi level.

Kyoshi is Japanese for teacher. Actually it is not Sensei.
Sensei means a person who is wiser or who has more knowledge than you. Sensei is used to address a teacher, doctors, lawyers. Sen means before and sei means born, So literally translated the one who is born before you.
Kyoshi is teacher, but you will not call your teacher as kyoshi. You will still address Him as Sensei.

Hanshi and Shihan are also titles of high ranking level but again they are titles, Sensei is still the proper address and sometimes Renshi can also be used to address a person who is 5th degree above.

About respect, I brought this up because I noticed that some people in the Philippines address Camar Sensei as Camar and no sensei after or before it. As I have mentioned in #92 here in Japan We always address them as Sensei even if He is from Shin Shin Toitsu, Kokikai, Yoshinkan. A sensei is a sensei, a senior is a senior, regardless of his style or affiliations.

Hello Mannix, Regards to Iking.

Last edited by ken zen ichii : 11-27-2008 at 12:29 AM.
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