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Old 10-20-2008, 03:05 PM   #17
Keith Larman
Dojo: AIA, Los Angeles, CA
Location: California
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 1,604
Re: Rank: Out with the old in with the new?

Oh, and I should say...

My rank in one sense is truly irrelevant to me. I remember coming up where people would study for upcoming rank tests. For me, well, I just enjoyed Aikido way too much so I just kept training. And after a while I realized I was there being tested for sandan and that is the last rank in our organization that you test for. Hmmm, when did this happen?

So in a sense rank isn't all that important to me.

But that said, I prize the fact that I was awarded that rank by my sensei. That they felt I was worthy of that rank is quite an honor to me.

So does it matter? Yes and no.

And in organizations without rank there are all sorts of ways that "implicit" rank is awarded anyway. Experience, extra responsibilities, being asked to teach, etc. And people can fall into the same traps there as well.

So now that I've written all this... Go read David's article again... It hits what I feel much better than I am able to...

Michael Hacker wrote: View Post
If rank is so unimportant, why talk about it at all?
True, true...

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