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Old 10-18-2008, 09:27 PM   #321
Location: Auckland
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 971
New Zealand
Re: Defending Against Grappler Using Aikido

Steve Nelson wrote: View Post
One thing that is different about Aikido versus other grappling arts are the lack of rules in Aikido.

We rarely talk about a biting atemi, but no rules in Aikido say we can't.

Grapplers train for very specific types of responses because they are confined inside of a competitive game. I think to use Aikido on the ground you have to remove yourself from the idea that it's a game.
Don's pretty much covered this but here's my initial reaction.

What you are effectively saying is "we never talk about much less train biting but I guess there's nothing to stop us in theory therefore we will be much better at biting than grapplers who also don't train biting" Which brings us back to Dons point. Take your average aikidoka and your average bjjer and neither are training to bite. So it's a wash. Except that the bjjer will likely have positional dominance and is thus more able to deploy whatever strategy they like.

"When your only tool is a hammer every problem starts to look like a nail"
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